Hi cuties!!
I keep procastinating, I'm just so so bad at this, and I have a planner and everything but my hair was so bad and the weather was shitty so I was unable to take photos for so long >A<.
Like always I''m here again with a circle lens review for KLENSPOP, which by now is my favorite lens shop online, and believe me even if I wasn't sponsored I'd still say that. Alsooo, go check the web because right now they are having a huge sale and a lot of the lenses are for 4.5$ and 7$ so it's SUPER CHEAP.
Even if they are sponsored this is my sincere opinion.
Well for starters in the review just a little info about circle lenses, they are colored lenses that are designed so they make your eyes look brighter and bigger, at first sell at Korea and other asian countries, their popularity started growing and now they are used everywhere. They are normally made for dark eyes so they are super bright, and they achieve the bigger eye look with bigger designs and darker rings of color in the exterior.
I love circle lenses because they can spice up any look, from a simple everyday one to a much more bold one.
As always they reached me super quickly, in only two weeks they were already here.
As always they reached me super quickly, in only two weeks they were already here.
This time they sent me 3 pairs of really cute lenses, the firsts are the TA204 in Blue and right now they are 18$.
The lenses came in one of those bubble filled embelopes so they arrive to you nice and secure, and for even more protection they came wrapped in even more bubble wrap.
They always have the cutest packaging ever, from the bigger boxes to these smaller ones, they're really cute and the lenses are really secure in either of them, since they always make sure that they won't move around a lot.
With the lenses they send a lens case and a little tweezers so you don't have to touch them with your hand when you get them out of the vial, which can get a little tricky, but with the tweezer is so much easier. This vials are really simple in desing, black with just some flowers.
But in the next picture you can see the details of the design, it kind of reminds me of like a crown or something with all the spiky shapes and such, or like a sun or something. Also you can see how dark the outer ring is, that will make them less natural but will give you an amazing effect.
They are pretty comfortable, but I did feel a little bit of disconfort for like the first 20min of having them on like if they needed some time to adjust or something. They're 15mm, wich can make them slightly harder to put on for newbies but after you get the hang of it they're pretty comfortable, DON'T FORGET that you have to let them in your solution for at least 8 hours because the liquid in the vials is too harsh for your eyes, and you don't want to damage your eyes.
And if you feel any kind of disconfort take them off, check they're the right side (they should look like a little bowl completely concave) and rinse them with a little solution, then you can place them in again.
Here are some photos of me wearing them:
Also some closeups:
One lens in.
Both in, natural light
Now onto the final thoughts.
Color/Design: ❤❤❤❤❤/5
Both the color and the desing are really pretty and really visible in every kind of lighting, I actually was kind of surprised because the blue looks way darker in my eyes than in the vials. Also they're really really opaque, that makes them less natural because there's no blend with your natural eyecolor, but really this are in no way natural. I find them pretty nice for cosplay and such.
Both the color and the desing are really pretty and really visible in every kind of lighting, I actually was kind of surprised because the blue looks way darker in my eyes than in the vials. Also they're really really opaque, that makes them less natural because there's no blend with your natural eyecolor, but really this are in no way natural. I find them pretty nice for cosplay and such.
You can see in the comparison photo that they're HUGE, like gigantic, they make my eyes so freaking big, when you have both in it's not as noticeable but it's so so so noticeable when I only have one in.
It's size mixed with the black ring makes the illusion even bigger, you will look like you have anime eyes for sure because I mean, they're huge.
For me it's pretty important that the lenses are comfortable, because I normally wear them for long periods of time, and this were pretty comfortable, but when I put them on they did take some time to get comfortable enough, like I still could feel the edge and that have never happened to me, I even took them out a couple of times to see if there was dirt on them or something, but once that stopped they were pretty comfortable.
Overall: ❤❤❤❤.5/5
I do like them, I love the color and because they're so opaque I know that they will make even the darkest eyes look blue, the only thing that makes them have that 0.5 less is the slight discomfort that I felt when I put them in, but otherwise they're really nice.
If you have dark eyes (and I think that these would look amazing on you) you can also go to their page in klenspop website and they might have a lot of other reviews there, some from dark eyed people.
I hope you liked this review!!
Have a nice day.

DISCLAIMER: This product has been sent to me for review, all these opinions are mine.
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