sábado, 15 de noviembre de 2014

Oasap giveaway

Hi cuties, I'm back here really early but I'm here to tell you about a giveaway that Oasap is making with me, for my lovely cuties :3

You can win one of this two awesome cape coats, you choose, I feel like they are the perfect complemet for the cold days in fall, and the brow one is super cute with that holyday season feel to it :3 You know christmas is getting closer :D

All you have to do is follow the steps in this app, you don't have to give me any of your personal information because I'm just going to message you on tumblr to make you know that you win and send your Oasap account to one of the workers on Oasap.com 
So don't be afraid I'm not getting your address.

This giveaway will only be valid if it gets to the 50 participants.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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